When we commit to a job with you, we commit to the environmental standard that you seek to fulfill in your project. In other words, we are as green as you are!
Environmental stewardship is a high priority at Strata Design. Whenever possible we incorporate green building practices into project and manufacturing process. We engage in continuing education, employing new procedures and sourcing new materials to help you achieve the high performance standards for your project and our world.
Strata Design has completed several green and Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified projects. In order to provide the owner, construction manager, and general contractor we went through the extensive FSC® C108155 Chain of Custody certification process. This allows us to provide necessary the LEED points to achieve the higher levels of LEED building certification. We maintain a solid resource base of FSC® products and supply base.
Our leaders have been invited speakers at “green” seminars at State and regional levels, including “Woodworking Contributions to Green Building” and “Wood is Good!”.
Strata Design has been on the leading edge of the “green movement”. Our corporate “resume” includes measurable energy reduction and material usage in product manufacture and office operations – not just conservation – since 1994. We have heated our main plant with the scrap wood generated by our manufacturing process. Since 1996 we have reduced the amount of waste through an aggressive paper & cardboard recycling initiative.
We reduced our energy consumption by replacing all of our shop lights with new efficient lights. We also return vendor packaging for re-use whenever possible.
Many of our employees have participated in ‘Smart Commute Week’ over several years. Our employees embraced this in a big way by commuting by bike and carpooling in order to save gas.
In a recent purchase of our new storage warehouse, we decided to insulate the walls heavily to avoid burning more energy though heating processes.