1st Quarter Employees of the Month

This year we decided to select an Employee of the Month. During the 1st standup meeting of the month we announce the winner to the company, put their name on a plaque and award them with an extra day of paid time off. There is a serious nomination process each month that consist of a […]

We Love Awards

Safety is our top priority here at Strata Design! When our Team received 2 Safety Awards in the 2020 Safety Awards Competition we think it’s a BIG deal! We received the Safety Improvement Recognition Award and the Zero Lost Time Accident Achievement Award. Both awards were given to Strata Design because our team reached 20,000 […]

AWI 2020 Convention is a Wrap.

The 2020 AWI convention was the 1st Virtual Convention in AWI’s history. The AWI staff not only made it special but it went off with little technical difficulties. Strata Design’s very own, Tyler Cerny, has been the AWI President for 2020. He had the opportunity to give the State of the Association speech and handed […]

Counting our Blessing

Monday we had our 1st virtual Happy Hour with all of our office employees that have been working from home since the ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ order was implemented back in March. It was great to ‘see’ everyone again and catch up in a more relaxed way. We had good reason to celebrate as we […]

Deemed Essential Business during this Covid-19 Pandemic

We are excited, blessed, and even on edge to be a mostly essential business! A handful of our projects are shut down right now but we are performing work to quickly supply over 10 hospitals and medical clinics with cabinets, counter tops and nurse stations so that they can get up and running. They are […]