Monday we had our 1st virtual Happy Hour with all of our office employees that have been working from home since the ‘Stay Home Stay Safe’ order was implemented back in March. It was great to ‘see’ everyone again and catch up in a more relaxed way. We had good reason to celebrate as we received our Payroll Protection Plan Loan that morning. (We didn’t realize that these funds for small businesses would run out by the end of the week) This loan guarantees that we will be able to pay our employees, our rent and utilities regardless how the Covid-19 Pandemic effects our economy.
First Individual Zoom Meeting with each Shop Employee
We spent the day ‘meeting’ with each of our shop employees via Zoom from our Home Office. We asked how they were handling the pandemic, how were their families and how did they feel about coming into work? They and their families were all doing very well. They felt safe coming to work because Jeff, our General Manager, was cleaning hourly and has been following stringent safety measures. They felt extremely blessed and grateful to be working.
Here are just a few comments:
Grateful for being one of the few Americans that are able to work. Office staff are really supporting us on the floor while they are home – C.M.
Thankful to actually have a job as so many of my friends don’t. – C.B.
No concerns coming to work & happy to be back to work after a short layoff. – E.M.
Happy to be working and know we will get through this. – N.B.
Thankful to get up every morning and go to work. – D.S
It would be tough to go through the unemployment process right now regardless if they get the extra money. – D.S
We closed the the beginning of 2020 as our Best 1st Quarter to date, even despite the start of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the middle of March. During the virtual meeting with each employee, we discussed the details of the successful quarter and informed them that we Would be depositing their profit sharing checks into their accounts this Friday! For the past 3 years we have enjoyed giving back to our employees by participating in a robust Rolling Quarterly Profit Sharing Program. We feel extremely grateful and blessed to be able to continue the program during this unprecedented time!